“We could not have done this project without frog. Because of their leadership, thoughtfulness and passion about how people work and collaborate we have been able to build this project. This Pilot gives us the opportunity to determine our future.”
Equinor SVP, Explorations Excellence
Equinor asked frog to help them amplify creativity, increase collaboration and revolutionize how they work. Through a holistic approach, we designed an interdependent system of rituals and workflows, tools and space that support their cultural, social and business objectives. The Exploration Pilot is the first phase of a Master Plan to transform the culture and work environment across Equinor globally.
Evoking Behaviors
frog worked with the Equinor Executive Team and key stakeholders across the Exploration team to understand their challenges and aspirations. From here, we established the vision, key opportunity areas and behaviors that defined the Exploration Pilot.
Designing the System
To determine the ideal work environment, frog designed an eco-system of behaviors, tools and spaces to be tested so that the Pilot teams could verify which components and configurations would become essential ingredients of their future work environment.
Building & Testing
frog guided the construction and coordinated the integration of each component, including the specification and testing of collaborative platforms and digital interfaces. In partnership with the client, we led the orientation and coaching of each team to kick off their participation and work within the Pilot.
Scaling for the Future
Measuring the effectiveness of the mix of components and their impact on the business was critical to the success of the Pilot. These findings became the foundation of the Equinor Exploration Experience Language System & Master Plan, which is the backbone of Exploration facilities globally.
6 Weeks
Project kick-off: frog completed an Experience & Workflow Audit, proposed Opportunity Areas and led the Executive Team Workshop to set the vision and establish the goals for the program.
12 Weeks
From research to conceptual design: An intensive design research effort exposed Key Insights which guided the conceptual direction of the project.
16 Weeks
From demolition to occupancy: The Exploration teams moved into the Pilot four months after construction began during which they went through a series of orientations to understand goals and to take ownership of their new work environment.
The Exploration Pilot enables the Equinor staff to work in the ways they know best, break habits and rediscover the essence of geology.
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