
The Business Value of Design Pt. 3: Drive Engagement & Loyalty

Pt. 3 in our series exploring The Business Value of Design focuses on driving engagement and loyalty to maximize brand value.

Arguably the most effective way to drive engagement and loyalty with your customers is through customer experience, or CX. The more cohesive and meaningful the CX, the more customers are willing to engage, form a relationship and remain loyal to a brand. But more often than not, customer experiences are inconsistent or frustrating, which is why it’s imperative to utilize design to create strong CX frameworks that cover breadth, depth and consistency.

This is exactly what frog achieved when helping AXA overhaul their Customer Experience Design. In just nine months, frog worked with AXA to redefine its content strategy, design language system and user experience. The results yielded a more holistic and cohesive approach to customer experience, setting the company apart from their competitors and enabling continued growth and innovation.

To find out more about the Business Value of Design, download the full paper here.
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frog, part of Capgemini Invent is a global design and innovation firm. We transform businesses at scale by creating systems of brand, product and service that deliver a distinctly better experience. We strive to touch hearts and move markets. Our passion is to transform ideas into realities. We partner with clients to anticipate the future, evolve organizations and advance the human experience.

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