Big Strategy Is Dead

Innovation and strategy for disruptive times

Who still writes 5-year strategy plans? For most businesses “big strategies” are out of date within 18 months. Does this mean we are “post-strategy?” Are we in an age where we “just do it”?

Some consultancies might urge big businesses to “act like a start-up” and just get out and do stuff, but this is the opposite of what successful start-ups actually do. Strategy has never been more critical to business survival, but the way it is formulated and executed needs to change – to be faster and more flexible.

In Big Strategy Is Dead, Commercial Strategy Director Tobias Rooney explores the meaning of Strategy in a world of compressed business cycles  – and the five innovation plays that ensure you are thinking and acting with strategic agility.


Download the full article below


Tobias Rooney
Commercial Director
Tobias Rooney
Tobias Rooney
Commercial Director

Toby is a Commercial Director based in our London office. With over 15 year’s experience in innovation and strategy, the experience has left him with the certainty of how much there is still to learn and how each new engagement is the chance to find out and explore. At the same time, having spent time in the world of ideas he is passionate about not just the ideas but making them happen, in fact more about making them come to life.

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